Admin's Profile

As a new SK Jugra's teacher, Mr. Ibrahim Bin Yusof will try to do his best at teaching English and ICT. He has continued the legacy of this blog from previous teacher who is now responsible for other work. He has just finished his degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) from IPGK Bahasa Antrabangsa, and Marjon University. He hopes that his first year of teaching will be a fruitful one, imparting all the knowledge, skills and ideas gathered throughout his studies. As the admin of this blog, he will write, share ideas and edit other contributors' articles and post them on here. He also hopes that through this blog, readers can enjoy and gain something beneficial for their own betterment.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Baim...nice blog. Feel free to share more.haha. ok i know, over sgt permintaan.haha
