Thursday 29 March 2012

Towards a More Enjoyable Storytelling Activity

You can put the pictures on Power Point

Storytelling should be fun and interactive. This means students should get involved in the activity. Here are some tips to practise:
  1. For big numbers of students in a class, teachers can scan the pictures of the storybook and show them through the LCD projector. It is easy for students to see, make actions and move.
  2. Teacher needs to get into the characters. Example, for Little Red Riding Hood, just grab any piece of clothe to make it as the cape, get a basket that easily can be found at home and start change your voice like a little girl. No need real or fancy stuffs.
  3. Start with a video or trailer of the story. Story like Where The Wild Things Are, has its own movie, hence teachers can first show the trailer before telling the story. 

Tuesday 20 March 2012

To One Month and Many to Come

By: Izyan Izzaty

Miss Izzaty
I thought my five years and six months training as a teacher would be enough to equip me as an English teacher. However in my first month here, I slowly learned many lessons on my own. Being a new teacher is anything but a relaxing job. When I stop and sit for a while, I cannot help but to ponder on few things. Why am I interested in teaching? Is it for the money, the job security, the short day of working, holidays? For all I know, these factors are the other way around.

Being a teacher doesn’t pay much, it is enough to have a good life, but not enough to be rich. The short days are nothing but rumors; teachers will need to stay back late everyday just to finish a lot of clerical works. Holidays are cut short to give way for extra classes and school duties. So far, job security is the only reason I can see is true.

Monday 12 March 2012

Managing Your Young Students

We always heard expressions like this “Arghh, tensionnya mengajar Tahun 1!” or sometimes like this “Hilang suara selalu nak kena jerit dalam kelas!”  Some teachers will say “Guna rotan saja terus diam nanti!”
Let’s think, what kind of messages that we convey when saying such words to our colleagues or may be we burst into madness and tell our students with these expressions or perhaps even worst uttering de-motivating language to them!

Will they continue making mischief? Yes! Will they continue talking their head off? Yes!

So what kind of strategies that we can use to at least reduce the chaos in the classroom? Here are some tips:

  • Come out with strange or interesting chants

Asking students to clap their hands with the incorporation of weird actions when doing the chants will allow students to focus on you. They will stop from whatever activities they are doing and collaboratively say the chants and do the actions. The ‘weird’ actions actually require them to focus more thus makes them to look at you. This means you have to do the actions with them and indirectly it brings back the students’ attention to the classroom. Examples, “We will we will rock you”, “*scouts’ clapping system and then say Malaysia”, “I want no body, no body but you.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Pentauliahan PSS

Pemberian sijil pentauliahan

Ikrar pengawas PSS

Jika ada pengawas sekolah sudah tentu ada pengawas Pusat Sumber. Pengawas Pusat Sumber bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan keadaan perpustakaan terkawal dan buku-bukunya juga terjaga. Tahunini terdapat 75 orang murid telah terpilih sebagai pengawas PSS. Pentauliahan dijalankan dalam keaadaan sederhana dengan sokongan guru-guru dan murid-murid yang lain. Diharapkan pengawas PSS dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan baik!


Pelancaran Nilam SK Jugra 2012

Gimik pelancaran Nilam, puteri 'keluar' melalui peti rahsia

Bersama Kita Membaca!

Program NILAM merupakan satu program berterusan sepanjang tahun  di mana semua murid terlibat dari murid tahun 1 hingga tahun 6.Program ini boleh diserap dan disepadukan dalam sebarang aktiviti sewaktu pengajaran dan pembelajaran.Ia menjadi pemangkin dalam memudahkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang menyumbang ke arah pencapaian akademik yang cemerlang serta membina masyarakat berbudaya membaca. Apa tujuannya:

1. Memperbanyakkan pembacaan.
2. Meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan.
3. Memupuk tabiat membaca.

Monday 5 March 2012

Magic Words

Young kids often forget to say these crucial magic words, 'Please' and 'Thank you' especially when they ask for permission to go to the toilet. We have to start from now, to get them used to say these words. We don't want to be labelled as a society who is impolite and irrespectful.