Thursday 29 March 2012

Towards a More Enjoyable Storytelling Activity

You can put the pictures on Power Point

Storytelling should be fun and interactive. This means students should get involved in the activity. Here are some tips to practise:
  1. For big numbers of students in a class, teachers can scan the pictures of the storybook and show them through the LCD projector. It is easy for students to see, make actions and move.
  2. Teacher needs to get into the characters. Example, for Little Red Riding Hood, just grab any piece of clothe to make it as the cape, get a basket that easily can be found at home and start change your voice like a little girl. No need real or fancy stuffs.
  3. Start with a video or trailer of the story. Story like Where The Wild Things Are, has its own movie, hence teachers can first show the trailer before telling the story. 
  4. Use imagination. Pencil case can be 'food', file can be 'an umbrella' or papers can be 'money.' Then, 'invite' students to join your imagination by using all these things as the props in the story just like the make believe game we always play.
  5. Get students to say and repeat the lines in the story. Many story books use a lot of repetition lines, especially in the dialogue parts. Let them say those lines instead of you.
  6. Include songs in the story. If the story tells that a character is taking a boat to go somewhere, get students to sing Row Row Row Your Boat.
  7. Get students to move. Example, if in the story the animals are puling a giant carrot, so students have to do the 'pulling action'. 
It's up to the teacher actually on how to make storytelling more exciting! Happy trying.

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