Wednesday 25 April 2012

Hari Buku dan Hak Cipta Sedunia

Murid -murid yang berjaya mendapat tempat dalam pertandingan kuiz

Pada Hari Isnin 23 April 2012 telah berlangsung Hari Buku dan Hak Cipta Sedunia Peringkat SK Jugra. Semua murid telah terlibat bersama semua guru SK jugra. Tujuan program ini dijalankan adalah untuk memartabatkan kedudukan buku sebagai sumber pengetahuan utama. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang semakan pesat, martabat buku sebagai penymbang ilmu seharusnya tidak boleh dilupakan. Program Hari Buku dan Hak Cipta Sedunia ini sebenarnya telah diisytiharkan oleh UNESCO sebagai suatu hari yang perlu diingati dan disambut. Pelbagai aktiviti yang telah dianjurkan antaranya Kuiz Informasi untuk murid dan guru,Pertandinagn Menulis Cerita, Pertandingan Melukis Poster, Pameran Buku dan pelbagai aktiviti mernarik lagi. Dengan penganjuran ini diharapkan murid dapat menghargai buku dan menggalakkan mereka membaca dengan lebih aktif lagi. Mari kita lihat gambar sekitar hari tersebut:

Sunday 22 April 2012

Teaching Ideas: Learning Through Claymation

Besides, using the conventional verbal storytelling, we can also use digital storytelling for our lesson. One of the attractive and different ways of conducting storytelling is by using claymation.Why claymation is interesting?
  1. It's different compared to the normal animation. It looks real as the characters are made from clay hence students can relate more to them. They themselves can imagine playing with clay.
  2. Students can also participate in making their own story. We can teach them with the plot and technology but they can come out with their own story and make their own characters.
Here are some of the examples:

More examples:

Picture Pleasure!


Teaching Ideas: Save the Environment

Supergreen's Secret Message book created by my students (but  i did the cover page)
Learning about environment can be quite difficult to digest for young students aged 7 to 8. This topic can be considered as 'heavy' but we as teachers have the responsibility to make it easy for them. The most important thing is providing them with a lot of visual materials. We can't just talk and explain without any concrete visuals as they probably have not fully aware of the existance of environmental issues. I know we all can just show them any pictures on the internet but to create activities can be quite troublesome. Here, I taught them about the 'We must...' sentence structure and below are the strategies:

Friday 20 April 2012

Belajar Melalui Iphone?

Proses pembelajaran sekarang bukan sahaja di dalam kelas, malah amat mudah hanya dihujung jari sahaja. Iphone kini telah mengeluarkan senarai top 50 'educational applications' yang menjadi pilihan ramai. Disebabkan kanak-kanak memang sukakan telefon mudah alih untuk bermain games, mengapa tidak kita menggalakkan mereka untuk bermain 'educational applications' ini. 2 dalam 1, mereka bermain, terhibur di samping belajar. Mari kita lihat top 3 Iphone educational applications:

  • Kid Calc
  • Sesuai 4-10 tahun
  • Application ini dicipta untuk meningkatkan kemahiran Matematik anak anda. Ia terdapat banyak kelebihan antaranya, terdapat 'level' soalan yang boleh ditukar dan tema soalan yang berbeza seperti Birthday danOuter Space. Sangat Menarik!

Program Mentor Mentee (Muridku Anakku) SK Jugra

Pn. Ramainah (mentor) bersama mentee-mentee beliau

Masih lagi saya teringat semasa di institut perguruan, saya bersama rakan sekelas mempunyai seorang mentor  yang  begitu mengambil berat tentang kami. Paling ditunggu-tungukan adalah sesi 'lunch' atau 'dinner' bersama beliau. Kami akan mengumpul duit dan bersama-sama menikmati hidangan di restoran-restoran tertentu. Kadang kala, beliau sendiri turut menyumbang separuh daripada bayaran makanan tersebut. Apa yang penting adalah ikatan yang terjalin antara kami dan mentor, yang diibaratkan seperti ibu kami sendiri.
Tahun ini, setelah bergelar guru, saya pula diberi tanggungjawab sebagai seorang mentor. Difikirkan, masih lagi tidak layak memikul jawatan tersebut namun, tanggungjawab perlu dijalankan.

Pada 20 April 2012, SK Jugra telah melancarkan Program Mentor Mentee (Muridku Anakku) yang melibatkan 15 orang guru dan 37 orang murid-murid Tahun 6. Tiada modul khas yang dicadangkan namun mentor digalakkan:

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Learn from Other Teacher

Why this video is awesome?
  1. Look how she managed to control her class by using the chant technique.
  2. The learning environment was relaxed and soothing. Students sat on the floor made the lesson more in formal.
  3. She was a creative teacher. She was teaching addition but she used a more interesting approach; number line and pair work.
  4. Integration. It may look like that she combined both Literacy and Numeracy in one lesson. Students were not just counting but practising 'saying' important formula such 'Number line goes horizontal, number line goes....'
How nice her idea was. We could learn a lot, isn't?

Terima Kasih SK Jugra

Dari kiri: Aisya, Rohizan dan Nadia
Tulisan: Nadiah, Rohizan, Aisyah (Guru Praktikum Prasekolah SK Jugra, IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam Selangor)

Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2012,  seramai 7 orang guru pelatih daripada  IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam Selangor telah melapor diri di sekolah ini bagi memulakan  sesi praktikum di sekolah ini selama 3 bulan. Langkah diatur, puji-pujian pada Yang Maha Esa dipanjatkan agar perjuangan ini dirahmati-Nya. Seramai 3 orang guru pelatih  telah ditempatkan di Prasekolah Uranus dan Mars.Banyak  aktiviti yang telah dijalankan sepanjang sesi praktikum kali ini. Antaranya adalah lukisan mural yand terdapat di prasekolah dan dinding entrance sekolah.

Friday 13 April 2012

Why exercising is good?

By: Mohd Syafiq Mohamad

Yes, exercising is good, that's why we encourage our students to keep fit, involve in sports and get active!aAt school we have activities like 1Murid 1Sukan programme, Co-curriculum programmes and many more which help you to get physical. But not all like to exercise. Some of us say we do not have time and others say they are just lazy. They just do not know the importance of exercising. Exercising prevents us from having various types of diseases. It reduces the risk of having diabetes, cancer, heart complications, along many other diseases.

Exercising makes our lungs and heart work better which makes our daily work easier. We can also do house chores as our exercise. When we do house chores, we can bring out the toxins in our body through perspiring. That can even improve our stamina and delay the aging process. Children especially, they need to exercise for strong bones and healthy muscles growth.

Monday 9 April 2012

Yeah, 3rd Place for Action Song Competition!

Our participants with the trainers, teachers and Headmistress

We are proud to acknowledge you that SK Jugra won for the third place in the Action Song Competition, Kuala Langat District. The competition was held on the 5th April 2012 at SK Methodist with 18 participants of schools from all over Kuala Langat. The first place went to SK Bunbum , the school that won the competition for three times in a row. With colourful costumes and coordinated steps, the school had succeeded to grab the judges’ attention to be awarded as the victor for this competition. Second place went to SK Sungai Lang which was also the same second place winner as last year. Perhaps we can beat both of them next year!