Sunday 22 April 2012

Teaching Ideas: Save the Environment

Supergreen's Secret Message book created by my students (but  i did the cover page)
Learning about environment can be quite difficult to digest for young students aged 7 to 8. This topic can be considered as 'heavy' but we as teachers have the responsibility to make it easy for them. The most important thing is providing them with a lot of visual materials. We can't just talk and explain without any concrete visuals as they probably have not fully aware of the existance of environmental issues. I know we all can just show them any pictures on the internet but to create activities can be quite troublesome. Here, I taught them about the 'We must...' sentence structure and below are the strategies:
  1. Act like a superhero, give a name such as Supergreen. Tell students that you are the saviour of the environment. The students will be the Secret Agent.
  2. As the Secret Agent, they need to solve a Secret Message to give to another agent called Agent Bond. They actually have to rearrange cut out words to form a complete message.
  3. Guide students if they have any problems.
  4. Once done they have to compile the messages to make it like a book.
  5. Students can then present the work.
The key point here is fun learning as well as exploiting their imagination which help in creating an effective learning process. Say bye bye to the ordinary 'rearrange words to make correct sentences' activity.

See, not that bad! They enjoy hands-on activity like this


  1. Interesting, i like the part when teacher has to act like a superhero. It's going to be cool!
